A two-tiered system for associates?

For the past 20 years, firms have made the distinction between partners with an equity stake in the firm and those without. Justin T. Miller suggests, in the San Francisco Recorder, that it is time firms introduced a two-tiered within their associate ranks, distinguishing between those associates on the 'partnership track' and those on the “non-partnership track”. Associates on the non-partnership track would be given the scut work, like due diligence and document production, while associates on the partnership track would handle more complex tasks like brief-writing and depositions. Miller says: “In an age where many associates do not have a desire or expectation to become partners at their respective firms, a position as a nonpartnership track associate allows them to continue to practice at a prestigious institution without the exceptional time commitment that is expected of traditional associates. Moreover, clients appreciate the prospect of paying less per hour for this second tier of nonpartnership track associates, some of whom have a similar pedigree and experience as traditional associates.”

A two-tiered system for associates? blogs.wsj.com blogs.wsj.com Wed, Jul 21, 2010