Truth in Large-Firm Advertising
All good advertising needs a tag line. But "Got milk?" sounds so much better than "Got lawyers?" A tag line like, "You're in good hands with Allstate," really conveys the company's service. Big Firm efforts to come up with a catchy tag line are just not as effective, possibly because of the unclear nature of what Big Firm lawyers actually do for $400-plus an hour. So Big Firms go for generic tag lines. Try and match these tag lines to their firms: (A) "Leadership. Creativity. Results." (B) "Breadth. Depth. Results." (C) "Stay ahead of the curve." (D) "Not if, but how." (E) "Everything matters." (F) "Traditions of Innovation." Seyfarth Shaw (B) Arnall Golden Gregory (D) McKenna Long & Aldridge (C) Alston & Bird (A) Kilpatrick Stockton (F) DLA Piper (E)
Truth in Large-Firm Advertising