Lawyer Called ‘Financial Serial Killer’ By Partner is Now Option 3 on FBI Hotline
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is asking those with information about a South Florida attorney described by a partner of his law firm as a "financial serial killer" to select option three on a hotline set up for tips about major crimes. Option one concerns a photograph of an unknown male sex offender and option two asks for help about three Virginia murders in 2002, reports the Mayo on the side blog of the Sun-Sentinel. Attorney Scott Rothstein, who has not been criminally charged--and has, according to the newspaper, been seen around Fort Lauderdale drinking martinis this week, following a brief foray into Morocco--has been accused by federal authorities in a civil forfeiture action of operating a Ponzi scheme that could involve $1 billion or more.
Lawyer Called ‘Financial Serial Killer’ By Partner is Now Option 3 on FBI Hotline