Irish funds market attracts talent
The Irish funds market is currently experiencing a period of growth, and Irish law firms are responding by boosting their expertise in this area. Eversheds O'Donnell Sweeney (the Irish arm of international firm Eversheds), has launched its funds practice with the hire of Dillon Eustace partner Stephen Carty. Maples and Calder opened the doors to its Irish office 2008 and hired investment funds specialist Barry McGrath from A&L Goodbody in the same year. It is now bolstering the practice with the hire of Dillon Eustace partner Peter Stapleton, and barrister Paul Dobbyn. Dechert is due to open a Dublin office in the near future, and has hired former William Fry partner Declan O'Sullivan as a partner for the new office. Walkers has confirmed plans to open in Dublin later this year, although it has not yet made any partner appointments.
Irish funds market attracts talent