ALMT entrusts Vineet Aneja with setting up of Delhi office
Vineet Anej, former Luthra & Luthra and Fox Mandal Little partner has recently joined ALMT to set up a corporate practice office in New Delhi. As it has been previously reported, Aneja left Luthra looking for a more entrepreneurial venture which he says he has found with ALMT. Speaking to Bar & Bench, Aneja said, “I was looking for a more entrepreneurial role and the present role to head and develop the new office gives me that opportunity.” For now the Delhi office is a 4 member team with plans to expand to 6-8 in a month or so and to 10 to 15 lawyers by the end of the year. Speaking on hiring new members for his Delhi team, Aneja said, “We will be hiring more people in the coming few months and would consider young lawyers who have recently graduated.”
ALMT entrusts Vineet Aneja with setting up of Delhi office