Implementing Legal Project Management: What's the Best Way to Grab the Flame?
The rapid emergence of legal project management (LPM) as a powerful new source of energy in the legal profession resembles the discovery of fire. It’s hot, it’s new, and everyone is gathered around, trying to figure out how to put it to best use. Cautious types shrink from picking it up. But first-movers who dare to grab it and bend it to their will suddenly find themselves in positions of power at the head of the clan. Stripped to its essence, legal project management is a logical sequence of activities in which a law firm and its client collaborate to agree on goals, define the value of service, allocate resources, create a realistic and comprehensible budget and action plan, develop critical work paths and performance measures, try to anticipate and limit bad surprises, and employ transparent communication protocols. This is the latest look at how to implement Legal Project Management in law firms.
Implementing Legal Project Management: What's the Best Way to Grab the Flame?