High demand for energy law recruits in Canada
Interesting article here about the demand for recruits with an interest in energy law in Canada. In light of predictions that the energy sector will fuel Canada’s economic growth for the next five years: ‘Almost all major law firms are willing to hire articling students or associate lawyers who have focused their studies in the energy law sector”. Douglas Crowther, head of the national energy team at Fraser Milner Casgrain, says that the energy sector will require lawyers who practise in many areas of law including construction, occupational health and safety, tax, immigration, aboriginal law and intellectual property. Ronald Kruhlak, partner and head of the energy, environmental and regulatory practice group at McLennan Ross, says: "It's a very interesting area of law because it is always changing," adding: "From my vantage point, there are new developments that are expanding from the conventional oil wells scenario and lawyers must keep current on all of the new regulations and directives to know how to advise clients in the best way."
High demand for energy law recruits in Canada