Vodafone Tax case restores investor confidence in India
Experts say that the landmark Vodafone tax case in the Supreme Court of India has boosted India’s image and reinforced standards of fairness and impartiality in the application of the law. Supporters hail the result as likely to restore the confidence of foreign firms in investing in India, boosting cross-border M&As and inbound and outbound investments. “What politicians and bureaucrats have failed to do in assuring certainty for investors, the Supreme Court has managed to achieve,” Nishith Desai, founder and managing partner at international law and tax firm Nishith Desai Associates, told Financial Chronicle. According to Desai, the judgment is a great victory for taxpayers worldwide. “It re-emphasises the long-standing principle that taxpayers are entitled to plan their economic affairs within the framework of law. The decision will provide tremendous certainty to investors and boost cross-border M&As, inbound and outbound investments.”
Vodafone Tax case restores investor confidence in India