UK firm Reynolds Porter Chamberlain shames unprofitable lawyers
London firm Reynolds Porter Chamberlain has introduced a new system for distinguishing between lawyers on the basis of how much they are billing. Each associate’s computer will have a screen display that changes depending upon profitability – red for those layers that are costing the firm money, yellow for those that are doing okay but need to try harder, and green for the most profitable lawyers. A spokesman confirmed that colour coding was used, saying that the system was designed to enable lawyers to "develop their commerciality, and understand the work they're doing and the amount of time they're spending on it". RollOnFriday points out that while shaming unprofitable lawyers in front of their colleagues may not be a stated aim, the colour coded screens may be seen by any passer by in the firm’s open plan office.
UK firm Reynolds Porter Chamberlain shames unprofitable lawyers