Scottish firm Morton Fraser launches 'league tables' of associate billing
Scottish law firm Morton Fraser has announced that it will do away with annual fee targets and adopt a policy that encourages competition between associates instead. Under the new policy, called "peer benchmarking", the firm will create league tables for each level of fee earner. Chief Executive Duncan Murray said that the firm is not planning to publish the tables in their entirety, but: "we are going to publish figures which will show top and average performance by grade to encourage individuals to compare and benchmark themselves against their peers. The feedback we have had is that many of our staff already compare their figures with others through our practice management system." And while there are numerous problems with fostering an atmosphere of competition within the workplace, Morton Fraser is not alone in making the move. Lawyers at Taylor Wessing and at Field Fisher Waterhouse are subject to similar policies.
Scottish firm Morton Fraser launches 'league tables' of associate billing