India-Australia mutual referral agreement between Rajani Associates and Rockwell Bates
Australian Boutique firm Rockwell Bates has stepped foot in India with a non-exclusive mutual referral agreement with the Mumbai-based firm Rajani Associates. Rajani Associates Managing Partner, Prem Rajani told Asian Legal Buisness, “This relationship is a contrast to the best friend arrangement. The association is of mutual referral and there is neither any exclusivity nor any ‘best friend’ relationship”. Rajani further said, “We will have access to local laws of Australia through Rockwell Bates and we can recommend our clients to engage the services of Rockwell Bates while dealing in Australia (though this does not restrict us from recommending other firms in Australia). Likewise Rockwell Bates will enjoy the same benefits when it comes to India”.
India-Australia mutual referral agreement between Rajani Associates and Rockwell Bates