Majority of US and Canadian law students are satisfied with law schools, says survey
A new survey has found that the vast majority of US and Canadian law students are satisfied with their educational experience. The 2011 Law School Survey of Student Engagement includes responses from more than 33,000 law students at 95 U.S. and Canadian law schools about how they study, use campus resources and interact with faculty. Of the students surveyed, 83 percent responded that their law school experience was either "good" or "excellent," and 80 percent said they would attend law school again if they could start over. "While it is not all good news for participating law schools, the results paint a more nuanced and balanced picture than that often reported in the press," reads the report, which was financed by the Association of American Law Schools and The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Less rosy was the finding that forty percent of students felt their legal education had contributed "only some or very little to their acquisition of job or work-related knowledge and skills." And of the students that expected to graduate with more than $80,000 in law school debt, 23 percent would not enroll again given the opportunity to start over.
Majority of US and Canadian law students are satisfied with law schools, says survey