DLA and Greenberg take on KWM teams
King & Wood Mallesons (KWM) continues to see a flurry of exits in the midst of its EUME arm’s woes. Greenberg Traurig and DLA Piper are the latest firms to take on teams from KWM as staff, lawyers and partners seek opportunities at new firms. DLA Piper has hired on a real estate team led by partner William Naunton, along with team members Jeremy Brooks, George Burrha, Cornelius Medvei, Ed Page, and Bryan Pickup. DLA has also hired KWM managing associate Omer Maroof, who will join DLA as a partner. The new hires, which also include an additional eight lawyers and three trainees, will join DLA in January. Greenberg Traurig has hired a number of KWM partners, including Clive Jones, Marc Snell, Steven Cowins, David Fitzgerald, Matthew Priday, and Michael Goldberg.
DLA and Greenberg take on KWM teams