Howrey loses 12 IP partners in Europe
Howrey's head of intellectual property in Europe and at least 11 other partners and 14 associates are jumping ship to set up a new IP firm. The splinter group cited persistent client conflicts and poor work-flow with the US side of the firm. One departing partner, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said: "The fundamental reason we are doing it is we don't think the market is ready for a Trans-Atlantic model for IP”. Most of the departing partners and associates are based in Amsterdam and Brussels, the two offices at the core of the firm’s European IP practice and the two most profitable offices in the Howrey network. The departures will leave these offices completely stripped of IP partners, while the Paris office is also set to lose one partner and a few associates. After the departures, Howrey's European IP practice will be left with just 10 partners spread across five European offices: two in Paris; three in Munich; two each in London and Madrid; and one in Dusseldorf.
Howrey loses 12 IP partners in Europe