Survey reveals instability in Indian legal services market
A new survey looking at the attitudes of lawyers in India has revealed significant instability in the legal services market, with just 15 per cent of lawyers saying that they could see themselves working in the same firm or company three years into the future. Over 50 per cent indicated that they would likely be working somewhere else. It is somewhat surprising, then, to learn that most Indian lawyers are fairly happy with where they work. About 59% of lawyers in law firms either agreed or strongly agreed that they enjoyed their current jobs. Among in-house lawyers, 51% indicated that they enjoyed their current roles. The most frequently cited complaint among the 536 lawyers surveyed by Legally India was that there is a lack of professionalism in the workplace. More than two-thirds of the law firm lawyers said they wished their workplaces were run more professionally, with some pointing out the need for greater transparency in firm decisions and less “Partisan family-oriented management."
Survey reveals instability in Indian legal services market