Just 55% of US graduates from 2011 are employed in full time legal jobs
The American Bar Association says that just 55% of US law school graduates in the class of 2011 have found employment in full-time legal jobs. Law School Transparency boils the numbers down even further, reporting on ‘underemployment’ with the disturbing finding that at 77 US law schools, over a third of graduates were underemployed. These kinds of statistics change the equation for students thinking about taking on huge student loans to fund a legal education. But as this article rightly points out, these graduates were the last class to enter law school before the market became such a mess. NALP Executive Director James Leipold said: “When this class took their LSATs and applied for law school there were no signs that the legal economic boom was showing any signs of slowing, and yet by the time they graduated they faced what was arguably the worst entry-level legal employment market in more than 30 years.”
Just 55% of US graduates from 2011 are employed in full time legal jobs