Georgia State named 'best value' US law school
While the recent recession has slowed hiring at many law firms, costs of tuition and costs of living continue to rise. Law students are therefore beginning to look much more carefully at the value offered by law schools. preLaw magazine has conducted a study to identify the best value law schools. To make it onto the list, schools must three criteria: their bar pass rate is higher than the state average; their average indebtedness after graduation is below $100,000; and their employment rate nine months after graduation is 85 percent of the class or higher. The schools are then ranked according to the same three factors, plus in-state tuition costs. The study is not intended to determine which schools give the greatest return on investment, but rather it is designed for students who want a quality legal education at an affordable price. 60 schools made the Best Value list, with Georgia State topping the list.
Georgia State named 'best value' US law school