Which law school sends the most grads to BigLaw?
The WSJ Law Blog has ranked the top 25 law schools based on the number of graduates they send to full-time, long-term employment at large law firms - those with 250 lawyers or more. The list is compiled from data released by the American Bar Association, which showed that only about 8 per cent of US law graduates found graduate jobs at large law firms. Top of the list is Columbia Law School, which sent 59 per cent of its graduates to biglaw, followed by the University of Pennsylvania with 53 per cent, Northwestern University with 48 per cent, Harvard University with 46 per cent, the University of Chicago with 44 per cent, Stanford University with 43 per cent, New York University with 42 per cent, Duke University and the University of California - Berlekey both with with 38 per cent, and Cornell University with 35 per cent.
Which law school sends the most grads to BigLaw?